Look after my heart--I've left it with you.
OMG! I've been told some romantic, corny things in my life, but this quote is untouchable. Let's get this clear. These touching words were not directed toward me. They were written to Bella from her vampire lover in the novel "Eclipse."
Some of you may be familiar with The Twilight Saga books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. Perhaps some of you are still ignorant of the vampire movement that is overtaking Barnes and Noble book shelves, the ressurection of vampires at the movies, and the Undead that are populating our television screens. Perhaps you're sleeping in a coffin, too!
Now, back to that quote!
Look after my heart--I've left it with you.
Is there any female alive, regardless of age, who can read those words and not actually swoon? I'm sorry to use that word, but it is sooooo appropriate that nothing else will do.
You want to know what this is really about?
Teen-age angst.
The Twlight Saga series is about vampires, werewolves, and a quick trip to Italy. But the bottom line is: Boy meets Girl. They can't live with each other. They can't live without each other. Then all kinds of drama ensues. For the typical teen-age girl, who is in and out of love every other month, the books read like her diary. The main difference being the boyfriend in the series is a vampire and is sooo better-looking than any human can ever be. Oh yes, and he writes heart-stopping prose.
Look after my heart--I left it with you.
For us women who graduated from high school in the 20th century, reading these books is a trip down memory lane to age 16, when teen-age angst is at the boiling point. This age group has the market on raw and hysterical emotion. Every now and then, as an adult, it's fun to revisit. The angst meter hits "HOT" every other chapter in all the books.
I'm going to tell you what Bella, the main character, did after she read these pain-stakingly scripted words that were left on her pillow.
Look after my heart--I've left it with you.
She went to see what her werewolf boyfriend was doing across town. Hey, her vampire flew away, so what the heck!
You can't get anymore teen-age than that!
Been there, done that. Glad it's in the last century.
Ever since I was 10 years old, I've had a predilection for vampires and werewolves. How bloody happy am I that the Undead are rising again!! Thank you Stephenie Meyer, the creator of the Twilight Saga!
And I truly do apologize for my puns, but they are a necessary evil!!
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