Monday, May 10, 2021

The Lives of Werewolves

 I'm so happy people are slowly casting aside their masks when outdoors. Let me be a bit more specific here. I am thrilled this one particular man on Amsterdam Avenue and 87th street had a "naked" face while talking recently on his phone. I'm walking south. He's headed north when our paths cross.

"Dude, werewolves always have four or five girlfriends!" I hear him exclaim.

Oh my gawd! Who is this strapping 20-something man, walking uptown nonchalantly discussing werewolves?

Questions explode in my head!

Is he a werewolf??

Oh wait, Tammy. Get a grip! "Do werewolves exist?" I ask myself. "Don't be ridiculous! Of course they do," I retort.

If he's not a werewolf, where did he get this knowledge of their dating habits?

Did his sister have a bad experience with one of the hairy fellows?

I must say, he is a rather strapping (just reiterating), handsome young man. He didn't have a shirt on, so there is no arguing this point!

I consider doing an about face to follow him to discover more about the lives of werewolves. I think most of our knowledge of them is more speculation than fact. However, I don't want to appear like some weirdo if he were to notice me being in step with him.

It's so fleeting, you know. When one sees a pedestrian they want to further observe (stalk-semantics here). Seconds tick by as I formulate a plan. My mind races. If the decision is made too late, a chase may be necessary to close the gap between me and the victim. Depending on my cardio, this could appear odd, even embarrassing. I quickly turn northbound, but can’t locate him. His stealth has served him well.  

I turn back around and continue with my day. I elect not to stalk him for several reasons.

1. Is there a legality issue here? I suppose there's varying degrees of this activity, some more offensive than others. 

2. I didn't want to be disappointed and realize he's just a regular human being talking to his agent about a movie script. It would be cool if there are werewolves in New York. Why should London get them all? (Ah-hooo, werewolves in London!)

3. To be perfectly honest, I was a little frightened. When it comes to choosing between werewolves vs. vampires, the wolves take second seat. I assume with a werewolf's acute sense of smell, he'd be able to detect I prefer the blood-suckers to his hairy kind.

4. He has a cell phone and could call 911 on me.

I can't lament on all the missed overheard conversations of 2020 and '21. I just need to be diligent and keep my ears open to make up for lost time. 

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